Wednesday, April 16, 2008


It was my first day at work after loooooonnnnngggggggggg holiday..
Thought of having another day off b4 report for work, but boss dah suh datang.
We had a visit from UiTM's Vice Chancellor, Dato' Seri Professor Dr. Ibrahim Abu Shah (ye ke nama dia camni?)
So nak taknak terpaksa gak masuk keje smlm. I was soooooo F tired. Tp what to do..
Muka was terribly burned like grilled fish or burned/overcooked fish or whateverla kan.. but I couldn't expose myself yesterday due to my scary-looking-face :p

The visit was like 15 mins but they hv prepared thing for 2 days.. What a waste kan?? Sibbaik baru ai baru blk so kinda blurr lg la.. hehe

I'm working on the report now so kinda pecah kepala with all the data yg berterabur tu.. fening..

Pic da upload but later baru I'll publish it here.. now, I'm very busy (but still can find time to blog..hehe)

Lecturer notes for this saturday plak.. duhh..

Have a nice day every1..


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